
Tuition for 2024-2025

Sea Island Presbyterian Day School operates as a non-profit organization relying on prepaid tuition for operating expenses.

Tuition for the school year is to be paid beginning June 1st in ten equal payments.

Class Annual 10 Month
Pre-K $ 4660 $ 466
Five days $ 4370 $ 437
Three days $ 3540 $ 354
Two days $ 3000 $ 300

**Church members receive a discount, please inquire at the Day School office.

Financial Assistance

Limited funds are available for financial assistance through the Day School scholarship fund for children in the three-year-old and four-year old program. To apply, contact the Day School Director and complete a financial disclosure form. Applications will be reviewed by the Day School Board of Directors Scholarship Committee. Requests for financial assistance are held in the strictest confidence.

Tuition Refund Policy

Sea Island Presbyterian Day School is a non-profit organization relying on tuition collection for operating expenses. If it becomes necessary to withdraw a child from preschool, any unused portion of any tuition is refundable if and only if the following conditions are met:
Withdrawal of the child is necessitated by the family’s moving outside the Beaufort area;
Written notice is given 30 days prior to the withdrawal.

Withdrawal after April 1st requires tuition to be paid in full.
Registration fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.